Using the Connect Widget add-on

The easiest option for letting people connect their storage to your app is using the Connect Widget add-on library, which is written and maintained by the rs.js core team.

This is by no means required, and it’s easy to integrate all functionality in your own UI as well. However, it’s a great way for starting out with RS app development and, if desired, replacing the widget with your own custom code later on.


If you haven’t seen the widget in action yet, you can try it out e.g. with My Favorite Drinks right now.

Adding the library

The Connect Widget library is distributed the same way as remoteStorage.js itself: as a UMD build, compatible with all JavaScript module systems, or as a global variable named Widget, when linked directly.

You can find the connect widget as remotestorage-widget on npm, and its source code and usage instructions on GitHub.

Check out Adding rs.js to an app for examples of loading a UMD module in your code.

Adding the widget

With the Widget class loaded, just create a new widget instance using the previously initialized remoteStorage instance, like so:

const widget = new Widget(remoteStorage);

Then you can attach the widget to the DOM:


Or if you want to attach it to a specific parent element, you can also hand it a DOM element ID:


That’s it! Now your users can use the widget in order to connect their storage, and you can listen to the remoteStorage instance’s events in order to get informed about connection status, sync progress, errors, and so on.


If you’d like to implement connect functionality in your own user interface and code, the widget can serve as a useful source code example. For everything it does, the Connect Widget only uses public APIs and events of rs.js, which you can also use in your own code.